The Great Lakes Center for Occupational and Environmental Health has served as a World Health Organization Collaborating Center since 1996. We work with our partners to reduce diseases and injuries resulting from exposure to hazards in the workplace and general environment. We address work-related illness and injury in the formal and informal economy, climate change, healthy housing, and healthcare waste reduction. Our partners include:
Our partners Heading link
WHO World Health Organization and other Collaborating Centers.
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization, the public health agency for the Americas.
NGOs Non-governmental organizations across the globe

Trainings to bolster worker protection Heading link
Billions of people across the world work in the informal economy with precarious work conditions. Jobs in the formal economy are not immune to degrading workplace safety. At the same time, aspiring public health leaders face barriers to training in occupational injury and illness. Our WHO Collaborating Center training programs are preparing a cadre of experts bolstering health and wellness in the workplace for people around the globe.
Programs Heading link
UN Sustainable Development Goals Heading link
Our WHO Collaborating Center projects are aligned with seven UN Strategic Development Goals: good health and well-being, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, climate action and partnerships for the goals.

Two women tend crops among a series of terraces.